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== Week 12 (March 27th - April 2nd) ==
== Week 12 (March 27th - April 2nd) ==

* We tried to create a node-red Docker with our flows to simplify the installation on the farm computer
* We created a node-red Docker with our flows to simplify the installation on the farm computer : [ Github]

= Materials =
= Materials =

Revision as of 11:56, 28 March 2017

Project presentation

Sky view of the exploitation (© Google Maps)

The project subject : Serres connectées.

The project consist of upgrading a classic greenhouse to retrieve live information about its climate. The farm exploitation is located in Saint-Cassien (38500), in the French Alps.

Data to retrieve :

  • Air temperature
  • Air moisture
  • Soil moisture

Control of these parameters are essentials to avoid disease, enhance the growth of the plantations and limit water consumption.

Two main constrains :

  • No power in the zone
  • Sensors needs to be moveable to let vehicles move along the greenhouse


  • Supervisor: Nicolas Palix and Vincent Hibon



The project started on January 9th, 2017.

Week 1 (January 9th - January 12th)

Week 2 (January 13th - January 19th)

  • Introduction to LoRa by Didier Donsez.
  • Discovery of the project
  • Setup of our computers to be able to program our Adafruit Feather.
  • First Hello world with the hardware (Discussion between two Adafruit Feather 32u4 in LoRa)
  • Call with one of the managers of the farm, Vincent, the feeling is good with him, we spoke during one hour :
    • He spoke about him and his wife farm exploitation
    • He detailed the farm layout
    • We asked him some precise questions about the project (Types and numbers of sensors wanted, data wanted, ...)
    • We agree on a meeting for the next Wednesday (25/01/2017)

Week 3 (January 20th - January 26th)

  • Define the use case diagram
  • Taking charge of the Adafruit Feather card and the PyCom one.
  • We wrote a little program that is able to send and receive data. At the moment these data are fake temperature until we embedded real sensors
  • We determinate the length maximum of data that we can sent to be able to record data each 30 minutes and respect the duty cycle (1% of the time)
  • The meeting was canceled by the managers of the farm and reported to the 8th of February

Week 4 (January 27th - February 5th)

  • No official time slot for the projec this week (Postpouned)
  • Call with Vincent Hibon on the 1st of Feb. We spoke about the advancement of the project.

Week 5 (February 6th - February 12th)

  • We got some new hardware : Mbed SX1272 with a ST Nucleo board, therefore we have to re-setup our computers to makes these cards working. Adafruit cards will be given to the project n°2.
  • On wednesday afternoon, first meeting at the farm with Vincent. We also meet Isabelle, Vincent's wife, the manager of the farm. Here is a report of this afternoon (in French).
  • There are some pictures picked today (yes, the forecast wasn't very good...) :
General view of the greenhouses
Inside view of a greenhouse

Week 6 (February 13th - February 19th)

  • Monday:
    • We are very disheartened with these new STM32 cards. Three other hours lost in making research about how to make it works.
  • Tuesday:
    • Nice day ! Finally STM32 worked today, we were able to run the "PingPong" example program (link) and exchange some data
    • We are able to transform voltage from the temperature sensor[1] to degree celsius.
    • NB: We use picocom /dev/tty.usbmodem1423 on macOS 10.12 and Putty (/dev/ttyACM0) on Ubuntu to have a console output.

Week 7 (February 20th - February 26th)

Week 8 (February 27th - March 5th)

  • Going to the FabLab in order to carve the model. The base is made of MDF (Medium-density fiberboard) and the structure is made of Plexiglas.
Greenhouse model
Greenhouse model
  • Set-up Node-red, we are able to retrieve data printed by the device (connected on /dev/ttyACM0)
    • The Extract data function :
setTimeout(function() { node.status({}); }, 500)
return msg;
Node-red dashboard

Week 9 (March 6th - March 12th)

  • Node-red, Mosquitto, InfluxDB and Grafana
Grafana screenshot
  • Our two node-red flow :

[ {"id":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1"}, {"id":"48fb29d6.8abc8","type":"tab","label":"Flow 2"}, {"id":"a6ed7ef6.c3b1b","type":"serial-port","z":"","serialport":"/dev/tty.usbmodem1423","serialbaud":"9600","databits":"8","parity":"none","stopbits":"1","newline":"\\n","bin":"false","out":"char","addchar":false}, {"id":"cd1cd4b5.89a1b8","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","broker":"localhost","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":"","birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":""},{"id":"45f90f43.5971c8","type":"influxdb","z":"","hostname":"localhost","port":"8086","protocol":"http","database":"iotdb","name":""}, {"id":"adb5fbbd.36c6d8","type":"influxdb","z":"","hostname":"","port":"8086","protocol":"http","database":"yyu","name":""},{"id":"c74aaa1a.718428","type":"serial in","z":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","name":"USBModem1423 (9600)","serial":"a6ed7ef6.c3b1b","x":190.5,"y":300,"wires":[["a999cf.d1e0163"]]}, {"id":"a999cf.d1e0163","type":"function","z":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","name":"debugFunction","func":" setTimeout(function() { node.status({}); }, 500)\n\n node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"updated\"});\n\n return msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":567.5,"y":237,"wires":[["bedd3839.57329"]]},{"id":"bedd3839.57329","type":"mqtt out","z":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","name":"","topic":"iotdays/sensors","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"cd1cd4b5.89a1b8","x":956.5,"y":243,"wires":[]},{"id":"5c859882.c8211","type":"mqtt in","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","name":"","topic":"iotdays/sensors","qos":"2","broker":"cd1cd4b5.89a1b8","x":323.5,"y":261,"wires":[["2b58b71.959ec48","a8ea218a.b140b8"]]}, {"id":"2b58b71.959ec48","type":"debug","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"payload","x":768.5,"y":138,"wires":[]}, {"id":"a8ea218a.b140b8","type":"influxdb out","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","influxdb":"45f90f43.5971c8","name":"IoT DB temperature","measurement":"temperature","x":734.5,"y":399,"wires":[]} ]

  • We produced the Eclipse IoT Day Poster, here is the final version
  • Demo at the Eclipse IoT Day 2017 (Resume coming soon)
  • Second version with multiple measurements :

[{"id":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1"},{"id":"48fb29d6.8abc8","type":"tab","label":"Flow 2"},{"id":"a6ed7ef6.c3b1b","type":"serial-port","z":"","serialport":"/dev/tty.usbmodem1423","serialbaud":"9600","databits":"8","parity":"none","stopbits":"1","newline":"\\n","bin":"false","out":"char","addchar":false},{"id":"cd1cd4b5.89a1b8","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","broker":"localhost","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":"","birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":""},{"id":"45f90f43.5971c8","type":"influxdb","z":"","hostname":"localhost","port":"8086","protocol":"http","database":"iotdb","name":""},{"id":"adb5fbbd.36c6d8","type":"influxdb","z":"","hostname":"","port":"8086","protocol":"http","database":"yyu","name":""},{"id":"c74aaa1a.718428","type":"serial in","z":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","name":"USBModem1423 (9600)","serial":"a6ed7ef6.c3b1b","x":180.5,"y":321,"wires":[["a999cf.d1e0163"]]},{"id":"a999cf.d1e0163","type":"function","z":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","name":"debugFunction","func":" setTimeout(function() { node.status({}); }, 500)\n\n node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"updated\"});\n\n return msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":583.5,"y":278,"wires":[["bedd3839.57329"]]},{"id":"bedd3839.57329","type":"mqtt out","z":"bf6a6bfb.ad6698","name":"","topic":"iotdays/sensors","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"cd1cd4b5.89a1b8","x":956.5,"y":243,"wires":[]},{"id":"2b58b71.959ec48","type":"debug","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"true","x":814.5,"y":323,"wires":[]},{"id":"a52ed1fe.56465","type":"function","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","name":"Set Measurement","func":"var prefixT = \"Temp=\";\nvar prefixH = \"Humi=\";\n\nvar m = msg.payload;\n\nvar t = m.indexOf(prefixT);\nvar h = m.indexOf(prefixH);\n\nif(t === 0 || h === 0) {\n msg.payload = m.substr(prefixT.length).trim(); // prefixT.length == prefixH.length\n msg.measurement = (t === 0 ? \"temperature\" : \"humidity\");\n setTimeout(function() { node.status({}); }, 500)\n node.status({fill:\"green\",shape:\"dot\",text:\"updated\"});\n return msg;\n} else {\n return null;\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":530,"y":441,"wires":[["fd9f5fc1.24d15","2b58b71.959ec48"]]},{"id":"ccd5b74a.579bb8","type":"mqtt in","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","name":"","topic":"iotdays/sensors","qos":"2","broker":"cd1cd4b5.89a1b8","x":239,"y":441,"wires":[["a52ed1fe.56465"]]},{"id":"fd9f5fc1.24d15","type":"influxdb out","z":"48fb29d6.8abc8","influxdb":"45f90f43.5971c8","name":"IoT DB","measurement":"","x":806,"y":443,"wires":[]}]

  • Demonstration with the greenhouse mockup at the Eclipse IoT Days 2017 :
    • We explained the project and made some demonstrations with the mockup and live data (and Grafana).
    • During this day we were present at the SigFox presentation.
Oriane DALLE and Antoine BOISADAM on this project. Charles MARCHAND and Marion PELLICIER on the Serre connectée acquaponie project

Week 10 (March 13th - March 20th)

Charles MARCHAND at the Maker-Faire Grenoble 2017

Week 11 (March 20th - March 26th)

  • We are able to supply the nucleo cards with a solar panel.
The nucleo and its solar panel
Connection on the nucelo
  • We started to write our final report
  • Communication with Vincent Hibon about the project progress
  • Didier Donsez provides to us a MQTT server adress and topic. We integrated it into our node-red flows.

Week 12 (March 27th - April 2nd)

  • We created a node-red Docker with our flows to simplify the installation on the farm computer : Github


Thermometer, barometer, moisture sensor
Nucleo LR073RZ with SX1272 LoRa shield
Electronic test plate
Solar panel
Waterproof case