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[[Image:wifibot-with-geiger-gas.jpg|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot with geiger counters and toxic gas sensors]]
[[Image:wifibot-with-geiger-gas.jpg|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot with geiger counters and toxic gas sensors]]
[[Image:Wifibot_hokuyo_lidar.jpg|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's Lidar]]
[[Image:Wifibot_hokuyo_lidar.jpg|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's Lidar]]
[[Image:Wifibot_spherewebcam.jpg|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's PTZ Webcam]]
[[Image:sparkfungeiger.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Onboard USB geiger counter]]
[[Image:sparkfungeiger.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Onboard USB geiger counter]]
[[Image:UltrasonicScanner.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Three HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors on a tilt bracket]]
[[Image:Wifibot-lidar.png|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's Lidar Pilot Widget]]
[[Image:Wifibot-lidar.png|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's Lidar Pilot Widget]]
[[Image:Wifibot-cam.png|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's Camera Pilot Widget]]
[[Image:Wifibot-cam.png|200px|thumb|right|WifiBot's Camera Pilot Widget]]

Revision as of 01:05, 7 November 2012

WifiBot configuration
WifiBot with geiger counters and toxic gas sensors
WifiBot's Lidar
WifiBot's PTZ Webcam
Onboard USB geiger counter
Three HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors on a tilt bracket
WifiBot's Lidar Pilot Widget
WifiBot's Camera Pilot Widget
WifiBot's Edge Detection Pilot Widget
WifiBot's Sensors Pilot Widget

A Dynamic SCA-based System for Smart Homes and Offices

Authors: Thomas Calmant, Joao Claudio Américo, Didier Donsez and Olivier Gattaz



We demonstrate the interoperability and the dynamism capabilities in SCA-based systems in the context of robotic for smart habitats. These capabilities are due to two developed tools: a Python-based OSGi runtime and service-oriented component model (Pelix and iPOPO, respectively) and a tool to publish SCA services as OSGi services (NaSCAr). By this, we have developed a robot service and a pilot' user-agent, which can dynamically add and remove sensors and widgets. This use case follows and responds to the ubiquitous computing trend and the runtime adaptivity needed in such systems.

Keywords: SCA, Service-Oriented Architectures, Component-Based Design, Dynamic Adaptation, Smart Habitats, Service Robotic



RobAIR (Robot for Ambient Intelligent Room) is based on the Wifibot robot. The Wifibot had a chassis with 4 wheels geared by 4 DC motors with hall encoders. The Wifibot is controlled by an Atom D510 main board running under Linux (Kubuntu 10.04) or under Windows CE.

Wifibot' nuiltin sensors are

For the demonstration, we have plugged several additionnal sensors on the available USB ports (remark: USB hubs are not correctly managed by the current OS distribution). Several analog and digital sensors are soldered on an Arduino shield piggybacked on an Arduino UNO board.

Extra sensors are

Extra actuators are

Pilot's Console

  • PC with USB game controller ou Nunchuck+Arduino UNO
  • Android phone or tablet


Component architecture

The robot's embedded software and the pilot's console are developed using 2 SCA composites. Inner components are developped in Python and in Java/OSGi. Components and Composites are bound using four types of SCA bindings : direct reference, local socket, UPnP, XMPP/Jingle (and SIP/Simple but not in this demonstration). The SCA containers are : NaSCAr/iPOJO for Java/OSGi and iPOPO/Pelix for Python. iPOPO components wraps C/C++ native libraries (ROS) and scripts (Urbiscript).

Services and API


We have modified a GTalk-compliant user-agent (JISI) according to the robot and the pilot requirements.

UPnP Profiles

The Robot publishes 1 UPnP device profile and 6 UPnP service types.

  • Robot1.xml (file)
    • Chassis1.xml (file) for driving the chassis
    • Sensor1.xml (file) for analog sensors
    • CompositeSensor1.xml (file) for multiple value analog sensors
    • DistanceSensor1.xml(file) for Lidar, IR and Ultrasonic distance sensors
    • PositionSensor1.xml (file) for GPS
    • IM1.xml (file) for Instant Message and Visioconferencing

Remark: The Robot1.xml device profile embeds optionally a device with the standardized Digital Security Camera Profile (DCP) for each on-board webcam (or Kinect).

SCA Binding

OASIS had already specified SCA bindings for main stream protocols used in B2B and EAI. Our goal is to defined SCA bindings for protocols widely accepted in SOHO (Small Office Home Office) networks (ie UPnP) and in videoconferencing (ie XMPP/Jingle and SIP/SIMPLE).

UPnP SCA Binding

The UPnP SCA Binding implements 1 UPnP device profile and 6 UPnP service types.

IM Binding

The IM SCA Binding implements the session establishment for XMPP/Jingle.




  • Olivier Aycard


  • Calmant, T., Américo, J.C., Gattaz, O., Donsez, D., and Gama, K.: A dynamic and service-oriented component model for Python long-lived applications. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (2012) pp. 35–40. website
  • Américo, J.C., and Donsez, D.: Service Component Architecture Extensions for Dynamic Systems. Accepted for the 10th Int’l Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (2012)
  • Source repository :