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Revision as of 18:36, 16 March 2015 by Olivier.Soldano (talk | contribs)
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Project Description

Python on ESP8266

User stories

1. Internet of Things conceptors will want to develop with python on the ESP8266, and will want to be able to use every feature of it.

so as to fulfill their needs we have to proceed on these tasks:

    • Manage to connect and flash ESP8266 module from USB connection without third party card
      • Turn USB 5V connection to serial 3.3V
      • Understand procedure for flashing the ESP8266 ROM
    • Understanding the SDK devoted to the ESP8266:
      • Look for code already made and documentation
      • Make test programs
    • Make shedskin able to compile the SDK:
      • Detect conflics
      • Define dependencies between C and C++ modules.
      • Produce a Makefile for the project
    • Produce some packages so as to implement basic functions of the SDK:
      • Make a sample module such as Hello World
      • Make the adequate modules in shedskin to create Python functions for the entire SDK.
    • Generate documentation for the functionnal code
      • Use Sphinx documentation generator

Product Backlog

User Story Tasks Priority Time Allocated
As an Internet of Things conceptor, I want to develop with python on the ESP8266 & I want to be able to use every feature of it.
Manage to connect and flash ESP8266 module from USB connection without third party card 100 20h
Understanding the SDK devoted to the ESP8266 50 30h
Make shedskin able to use the SDK 80 20h
Produce some packages so as to implement basic functions of the SDK 50 20h
Generate documentation for the functionnal code 10 5h

Task over when

We have a functionnal prototype


Sprint goals

  • Making a simple C++ program that runs on ESP8266
  • Using some IO on ESP8266
  • Adding a module to Shedskin for compiling on ESP8266

Sprint 1