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[http://www.dealextreme.com/p/jy-mcu-arduino-bluetooth-wireless-serial-port-module-104299 JY-MCU Arduino Bluetooth Wireless Serial Port Module]
[http://www.dealextreme.com/p/jy-mcu-arduino-bluetooth-wireless-serial-port-module-104299 JY-MCU Arduino Bluetooth Wireless Serial Port Module]

Voir aussi [[Wireless Bluetooth RS232 TTL Transceiver Module]]

Revision as of 20:48, 21 May 2013

JY-MCU Arduino Bluetooth Wireless Serial Port Module

Voir aussi Wireless Bluetooth RS232 TTL Transceiver Module

Documentation d'un module similaire : http://m2.img.dxcdn.com/CDDriver/sku.121326.pdf

VCC 3.6V - 6V

Premiers pas


BT -----> Arduino
VCC ----> +5V
GND ----> GND
TX -----> D0 RX
RX -----> D1 TX
  1. chargez le programme BluetoothEcho.ino sur l'Arduino en débranchant le VCC du module BT
  2. débranchez l'Arduino
  3. rebranchez le VCC du module BT sur le 5V de l'Arduino : la led rouge du module clignote
  4. rebranchez l'Arduino sur son l'alimentation (ou l'USB)
  5. appariez le device BT (le nom par défaut est "linvor") sur votre téléphone Android : la clé par défaut est "1234" : la led rouge du module est fixe (on)
  6. utilisez l'application BlueTerm disponible sur l'Android Market Google Play
  7. changez la diode embarquée (13) au moyen des touches 'l' et 'h'

// BluetoothEcho.ino
char val; // variable to receive data from the serial port
int ledpin = 13; // LED connected to pin 13 (on-board LED)

void setup() {

  pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);  // pin 13 (on-board LED) as OUTPUT
  Serial.begin(9600);       // start serial communication at 9600bps
                            // the default baud rate for http://dx.com/p/jy-mcu-arduino-bluetooth-wireless-serial-port-module-104299


void loop() {

  if( Serial.available())       // if data is available to read
    val = Serial.read();         // read it and store it in 'val'
  if( val == 'h' )               // if 'l' was received
    digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH);  // turn ON the LED
  } else if( val == 'l' )               // if 'l' was received
    digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW);   // turn it OFF
  } else if(val>=32 && val <127) { // otherwise echo the read char
  delay(100);                    // wait 100ms for next reading


Utilisation avancé

  • To initlalize the BT module, send it the following AT commands: AT+PIN1234 <cr> AT+NAMEdongle <cr> AT+BAUD4 <cr>. The last command will set the baud rate to 9600.
  • Then on the PC, connect to a new Bluetooth device, use the same PIN number as above, make note of which serial (COM) port it maps to and then use Putty (Windows) or screen (Linux) to test!

Read the forums http://club.dx.com/forums/Forums.dx/threadid.1166641

// @from http://club.dx.com/forums/Forums.dx/threadid.1166641
// @see http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SoftwareSerial

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

void setup()
Serial.println("Goodnight moon!");

mySerial.print("AT+PIN1342"); // Set pin to 1342
mySerial.print("AT+NAMEFresaBT"); // Set the name to FresaBT
//mySerial.print("AT+BAUD8"); // Set baudrate to 115200
mySerial.print("AT+BAUD4"); // Set baudrate to 9600

void loop() // run over and over
if (mySerial.available())
if (Serial.available())

