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osgi> help
---Controlling the OSGi framework---
launch - start the OSGi Framework
shutdown - shutdown the OSGi Framework
close - shutdown and exit
exit - exit immediately (System.exit)
init - uninstall all bundles
setprop <key>=<value> - set the OSGi property
---Controlling Bundles---
install - install and optionally start bundle from the given URL
uninstall - uninstall the specified bundle(s)
start - start the specified bundle(s)
stop - stop the specified bundle(s)
refresh - refresh the packages of the specified bundles
update - update the specified bundle(s)
---Displaying Status---
status [-s [<comma separated list of bundle states>] [<segment of bsn>]] - display installed bundles and registered services
ss [-s [<comma separated list of bundle states>] [<segment of bsn>]] - display installed bundles (short status)
services [filter] - display registered service details. Examples for [filter]: (objectClass=com.xyz.Person); (&(objectClass=com.xyz.Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*))); passing only com.xyz.Person is a shortcut for (objectClass=com.xyz.Person). The filter syntax specification is available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1960.txt
packages [<pkgname>|<id>|<location>] - display imported/exported package details
bundles [-s [<comma separated list of bundle states>] [<segment of bsn>]] - display details for all installed bundles
bundle (<id>|<location>) - display details for the specified bundle(s)
headers (<id>|<location>) - print bundle headers
exec <command> - execute a command in a separate process and wait
fork <command> - execute a command in a separate process
gc - perform a garbage collection
getprop [ name ] - displays the system properties with the given name, or all of them.
props - Display system properties
threads - Display threads and thread groups
---Controlling Start Level---
sl [<id>|<location>] - display the start level for the specified bundle, or for the framework if no bundle specified
setfwsl <start level> - set the framework start level
setbsl <start level> (<id>|<location>) - set the start level for the bundle(s)
setibsl <start level> - set the initial bundle start level
---Controlling the Profiling---
profilelog - Display & flush the profile log messages
---Eclipse Runtime commands---
diag - Displays unsatisfied constraints for the specified bundle(s).
enableBundle - enable the specified bundle(s)
disableBundle - disable the specified bundle(s)
disabledBundles - list disabled bundles in the system
---Controlling the Console---
more - More prompt for console output
disconnect - Disconnects from telnet session
help <commmand> - Display help for the specified command

Revision as of 14:06, 25 September 2013

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Démarrage d'Equinox

Equinox seul

java -jar org.eclipse.osgi_3.7.2.jar -console

Sur MacOS X

java -jar /Applications/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.7.2.jar   -console

Avec Eclipse IDE

Sur Windows

eclipse.exe -console

Sur MacOS

/Applications/eclipse/eclipse -console

Premières commandes

jusqu'à 3.7

bundle 0



osgi> help
---Controlling the OSGi framework---
	launch - start the OSGi Framework
	shutdown - shutdown the OSGi Framework
	close - shutdown and exit
	exit - exit immediately (System.exit)
	init - uninstall all bundles
	setprop <key>=<value> - set the OSGi property
---Controlling Bundles---
	install - install and optionally start bundle from the given URL
	uninstall - uninstall the specified bundle(s)
	start - start the specified bundle(s)
	stop - stop the specified bundle(s)
	refresh - refresh the packages of the specified bundles
	update - update the specified bundle(s)
---Displaying Status---
	status [-s [<comma separated list of bundle states>]  [<segment of bsn>]] - display installed bundles and registered services
	ss [-s [<comma separated list of bundle states>]  [<segment of bsn>]] - display installed bundles (short status)
	services [filter] - display registered service details. Examples for [filter]: (objectClass=com.xyz.Person); (&(objectClass=com.xyz.Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*))); passing only com.xyz.Person is a shortcut for (objectClass=com.xyz.Person). The filter syntax specification is available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1960.txt
	packages [<pkgname>|<id>|<location>] - display imported/exported package details
	bundles [-s [<comma separated list of bundle states>]  [<segment of bsn>]] - display details for all installed bundles
	bundle (<id>|<location>) - display details for the specified bundle(s)
	headers (<id>|<location>) - print bundle headers
	exec <command> - execute a command in a separate process and wait
	fork <command> - execute a command in a separate process
	gc - perform a garbage collection
	getprop [ name ] - displays the system properties with the given name, or all of them.
	props - Display system properties
	threads - Display threads and thread groups
---Controlling Start Level---
	sl [<id>|<location>] - display the start level for the specified bundle, or for the framework if no bundle specified
	setfwsl <start level> - set the framework start level
	setbsl <start level> (<id>|<location>) - set the start level for the bundle(s)
	setibsl <start level> - set the initial bundle start level
---Controlling the Profiling---
	profilelog - Display & flush the profile log messages
---Eclipse Runtime commands---
	diag - Displays unsatisfied constraints for the specified bundle(s).
	enableBundle - enable the specified bundle(s)
	disableBundle - disable the specified bundle(s)
	disabledBundles - list disabled bundles in the system
---Controlling the Console---
	more - More prompt for console output
	disconnect - Disconnects from telnet session
	help <commmand> - Display help for the specified command

depuis 3.8

Equinox supporte le Gogo Shell via la console et via SSH : instructions ...