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=== Week 1: January 25th - January 31th ===
=== Semaine 1: 23 Janvier - 27 Janvier ===
* Documentation sur Docker
* Getting familiar with Docker (for some of the group members)
** Petite Présentation par Quentin Faure
* Fix Docker's DNS issue using public network (wifi-campus/eduroam)
** Lecture de la documentation officielle de docker
* Contacting our supervisors
** Installation de docker et manipulation des images
* First thoughts on this project, what we could do
* Redaction of specifications, creation of architecture diagrams
* Create scripts that start/stop containers automatically (some modifications still need to be done)

* Prise en main du projet iaas
=== Week 2: February 1st - February 7th ===
** Telechargement du code depuis git
* Manage and limit space disk usage of each container, limit resources allocation at containers' launch.
** Lancement des differents modules du projet
** CPU and memory allocation: ok
** Lancement du coordinateur et dd'un provider avec succès
** Docker doesn't seem to implement easy way to limit container's disk usage: implementing a watchdog (script) which will check container's disk usage and stop those that exceed a limit
** premier essaie de lancement d'un client avec le front end
* Think about restricted access to Docker containers: for the moment, providers are admin and can easily access containers
** problème de dependance avec Méteor
* See how instances can easily give their network information to coordinator
* Début de définition du but du prjet
* Get familiar with Shinken and study the possibilities
* Specification of technologies used
* End of specification redaction + feedback from tutors
* Start to work on Meteor-AngularJS tutorials
* Configure a personal VM for the frontend & setup meteor-angular on it

=== Week 3: February 8th - February 14th ===
=== Semaine 2: 30 Janvier - 3 Février ===
* '''Objective for this week:''' get a prototype that contains a basic front-end which makes it possible to launch remote Docker instance.
* Container deployment:
** Deploy all containers on the same network: that allows us to connect to the instances from the coordinator
** Create user on host: will be used to connect ourselves in ssh from coordinator instance to host and launch deployment scripts
** Create script that totally automatizes user creation, images creation and build, coordinator's and shinken's containers launch
* At the end of the week, the prototype is working: we can launch an instance an a provider machine from the front-end. We still need to establish and test the connection between a client and his instance. We have a good cornerstone of our project yet.

=== Week 4: February 15th - February 21st ===
* Try to establish a connection between a client and his container
* Continue client/provider's web page development on front-end
* Start editing help page
* Correct some responsive effects on the site
* Container deployment:
** Implement bandwidth restriction
** Create script that automatically set client public key in container's authorized_keys file, modify some script to automatically delete client public key in coordinator's authorized_keys file
* Start to study and set up Rabbitmq (publish from provider to front-end for example)

=== Week 5: February 22nd - February 28th (Vacation) ===
=== Semaine 3: 6 Février - 10 Février ===
* Update wiki/help page, work on some responsive issues on the website
* Establish script that automatically create SSH-jump config for the client
* Work on foreign keys and database (front-end side)
* Continue front-end development
* Establish rabbitmq on both front-end side and provider side

=== Week 6: February 29th - March 6th ===
* Container's deployment:
** Modify coordinator Dockerfile to install nodejs
** Create a cron job that will run a command every 30 seconds: that command will be used to send the file that contains container's information to rabbitmq server
** Modify coordinator to set up 2 users: one for the front-end and one for the clients. Each one will contain only the public key they need in authorized_keys' file
** Modify startProvider script to check is ssh-server is installed and running on provider, and change default port (22 to 22000)
** Modify watchdog functioning: up to now, the script was just checking if each instance was respecting a limit. Now its behaviour allows us to have different disk usage for each instance. Now we use a cron job, we won't need anymore to launch the script by ourselves
** Change monitoring system: we found an other monitoring system for Docker called cAdvisor which gives us enough informations about containers.

=== Semaine 4: 13 Février -17 Février ===
* Frontend dev:
** Generate a proper & unique instance name : <username>-<provider_domain_name>-<num_instance_user_at_provider> eg. : toto-domain1-0
** Add form to modify provider machines informations
** Fix warning "CSS file deliver as html file" by Meteor
** Add README to explain how to use scripts, how files are organized (for github branch : frontendWebui , docker , master )
** Improve user feedback (notifications) on errors/success
** Proper parameters to start/stop instances
** Add username field in profile
** Resolve bugs occurring when the machines allocate resources from a different user

*Test and feedback:
** Set up the main test: container deployment and access to instance from the client
** Some permissions on coordinator instance needed to be changed
** SSH default configuration needed to be changed to: disable root login and authentication by password
** Connection from client to his instance is working
=> The main development phase is finished since we have a working base. We still need to improve some things, eventually develop some advanced functionalities during the last two weeks.

=== Week 7: March 7th - March 13th ===
=== Semaine 5: 20 Février - 24 Février (Vacances) ===
* Finish creating the flyer
* Write report for our last MPI course
* End of Rabbitmq set up on front-end
* Test complete loop:
** Create profile
** Set required information (ssh public key)
** As a provider, give settings of the provided machine
** As a client, ask for an instance
** As a client connect to the instance (ssh)
** Check that Rabbitmq is correctly tracing back information about containers/instances
* Add a rating system which will be used to give a mark to providers.
* Start preparing the presentation

=== Week 8: March 14th - March 17th ===
* Finish presentation preparation
* Fix some bugs:
** Start instances if they already exist
** Stop instances and no longer remove them in order to be reused/started again
** Really remove client instances running on provider when he choose to not be available
** Others minor fixes

=== Semaine 6: 27 Février - 3 Mars ===
= Useful links =

== Network related ==
=== Semaine 7: 6 Mars - 10 Mars ===
* [ SSH Jump Host]

=== Semaine 8: 13 Mars - 17 Mars ===

= Liens utils =

== Documentation sur le projet ==
* [ Le projet Initial]

Revision as of 10:26, 1 February 2017

Semaine 1: 23 Janvier - 27 Janvier

  • Documentation sur Docker
    • Petite Présentation par Quentin Faure
    • Lecture de la documentation officielle de docker
    • Installation de docker et manipulation des images
  • Prise en main du projet iaas
    • Telechargement du code depuis git
    • Lancement des differents modules du projet
    • Lancement du coordinateur et dd'un provider avec succès
    • premier essaie de lancement d'un client avec le front end
    • problème de dependance avec Méteor
  • Début de définition du but du prjet

Semaine 2: 30 Janvier - 3 Février

Semaine 3: 6 Février - 10 Février

Semaine 4: 13 Février -17 Février

Semaine 5: 20 Février - 24 Février (Vacances)

Semaine 6: 27 Février - 3 Mars

Semaine 7: 6 Mars - 10 Mars

Semaine 8: 13 Mars - 17 Mars

Liens utils

Documentation sur le projet