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The Robair project aims to develop a platform for robotic telepresence used for both teaching ambient intelligence and testing low cost (ie well below the price of market platforms) of service robotics in real environments. This platform aims extensible and open source (open software, open hardware, open design, open data).

More information on Project RobAIR


  • Tutors : Didier Donsez, Amr Alyafi
  • Members : David Levayer, Paul Mariage

Project objectives

Not decided yet (in progress...)

Software Requirements Specification

  • The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) can be found here.

Progress of the project

The project started January 14th, 2013.

Week 1 (January 13th - January 19th)

Week 2 (January 20th - January 26th)

  • Learning of ROS (in progress)
  • Installation of ROS packages on Ubuntu (in progress)
  • Assembly of two new RobAIRs (they will be named soon...) (in progress)

Week 3 (January 27th - February 2nd)

  • Assembly of two new RobAIRs (they will be named soon...)
  • Beginning of the redaction of Software Requirements Specification
  • ROS environment installed on Ubuntu