Développement BasicCard/GamblingCard/GAMBLING.DEF

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Rem Gambling BasicCard Source Code
Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------
Rem Copyright (C) 2002 Didier DONSEZ
Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------


Rem  Commands

Declare Command &H80 &H00 PersonaliseCard (Amount As Long, NewPIN As String*4, Name$)
Declare Command &H80 &H02 VerifyPIN (TestPIN As String*4)
Declare Command &H80 &H04 IncreaseAmount (Diff As Long)
Declare Command &H80 &H06 DecreaseAmount (Diff As Long)
Declare Command &H80 &H08 ChangePIN (NewPIN As String*4)
Declare Command &H80 &H0A GetCardData (Amount As Long, PINCount, Customer$)

Declare Command &H80 &H20 GetBalance (Balance As Long)
Declare Command &H80 &H22 Debit (Amount As Long)
Declare Command &H80 &H24 Credit (Amount As Long)
Declare Command &H80 &H26 Bet(betAmount As Long)

Declare Command &H80 &H30 SetWinRatio(ratio As Long)
Declare Command &H80 &H32 GetWinRatio(ratio As Long)

Declare Command &H80 &H34 GetBounds(numbounds@, bound0&,bound1&,bound2&,bound3&,bound4&,bound5&,bound6&,bound7&,bound8&,bound9&)
Declare Command &H80 &H36 SetBounds(numbounds@, bound0&,bound1&,bound2&,bound3&,bound4&,bound5&,bound6&,bound7&,bound8&,bound9&)
Declare Command &H80 &H38 GetWinnings(numwinnings@, winning0&,winning1&,winning2&,winning3&,winning4&,winning5&,winning6&,winning7&,winning8&,winning9&)
Declare Command &H80 &H3A SetWinnings(numwinnings@, winning0&,winning1&,winning2&,winning3&,winning4&,winning5&,winning6&,winning7&,winning8&,winning9&)

Rem  Status codes. All of these have SW1 = &H6B, to avoid clashes with
Rem  the built-in status codes (see "1.4.2 Procedure Definitions" in the
Rem  BasicCard documentation).

Const swNotPersonalised                 = &H6B00
Const swInsufficientFunds               = &H6B01
Const swEncryptionRequired              = &H6B02
Const swIssuingKeyRequired              = &H6B03
Const swPINRequired                     = &H6B04
Const swInvalidPIN                      = &H6B05
Const swPINErrorsExceeded               = &H6B06
Const swInconsistentBoundsAndWinnings   = &H6B07
Const swInconsistentWinningRatio        = &H6B08

Rem  Other constants

Const ApplicationName$ = "GAMBLING"
Const MaxPINErrors     = 3 ' Allow the user three unsuccessful attempts