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agent written in Go for collecting metrics from the system it's running on, or from other services, and writing them into InfluxDB.
Telegraf propose de nombreux plugins pour aerospike apache bcache disque docker elasticsearch exec (generic JSON-emitting executable plugin) haproxy httpjson (generic JSON-emitting http service plugin) influxdb jolokia leofs lustre2 mailchimp memcached mongodb mysql nginx nsq phpfpm phusion passenger ping postgresql powerdns procstat prometheus puppetagent rabbitmq redis rethinkdb sql server (microsoft) twemproxy zfs zookeeper sensors snmp win_perf_counters (windows performance counters) system
wget sudo dpkg -i telegraf_0.10.1-1_amd64.deb telegraf -help
telegraf -sample-config > telegraf.conf
Editer le fichier de configuration telegraf.conf
telegraf -config telegraf.conf -input-filter cpu:mem:disk:diskio:swap:net:netstat: -output-filter influxdb