SRS - Streaming en stéréoscopie
The document provides a template of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS). It is inspired of the IEEE/ANSI 830-1998 Standard.
Version | Date | Authors | Description | Validator | Validation Date | |
0.1.0 | 18/01/2016 | Zilong ZHAO - Guillaume HAMMOUTI | Creation of this page | TBC | TBC |
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the requirements document
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) identifies the requirements and it presents a detailed description about our project "Streaming en stéréoscopie".
1.2 Scope of the product
Allowed users to see through Oculus in 3D what robot can see, can be used when the topography is dangerous.
1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
Stéréoscopie: a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by means of stereopsis for binocular vision.
1.4 References
1.5 Overview of the remainder of the document
2. General description
2.1 Product perspective
The product is a web based system implementing p2p model, it provide a more real 3D effect by Oculus Rift with two cameras
2.2 User characteristics
It is considered that the user do have the basic knowledge of operating the internet and Oculus Rift. The administrator is expected to be familiar with javascript and websocket.
2.3 General constraints
2.4 Assumptions and dependencies
3.Specific requirements, covering functional, non-functional and interface requirements
- document external interfaces,
- describe system functionality and performance
- specify logical database requirements,
- design constraints,
- emergent system properties and quality characteristics.
3.1 Requirement X.Y.Z (in Structured Natural Language)
- Natural language sentences (with MUST, MAY, SHALL)
- Graphical Notations : UML Sequence w/o collaboration diagrams, Process maps, Task Analysis (HTA, CTT)
- Mathematical Notations
- Tabular notations for several (condition --> action) tuples
Non functional requirements: