RICM4 2017 2018 -SeriousGame Polystar
Project presentation
This project (2017-18 version of [1]) consists of :
- The implementation of the game described here [2]
- The deployment of the application on tactile tables.
- 2 Tactile tables Tactualities
Members : Tim LEPAGE, Dimitri SERGEANT - RICM4 @ Polytech Grenoble (UGA)
Supervisor : Didier Donsez Anne Laure Finkel Stéphanie Diligent
Week 1 (15-21 jan)
Subjects were assigned.
Researches on the technologies that could be used.
Week 2 (22-28 jan)
Installed Meteor and followed tutorials to learn how to use the technology.
Started to open the tactile tables to see how it works.
Week 3 (29 jan - 4 feb)
We made the tables work.
Meeting with A-L Finckel :
- Explications about the game
- Definition of the essentials of the game
Meeting with D. Donsez :
- Explained current advancement.
Started application development
Week 4 (5-11 feb)
Brainstorming :
- How do we both see the game (interface, different game sequences)
- Distribution of the tasks
Started to fill the SRS.
Week 5 (12-18 feb)
Application development :
- Organisation of the different webpages of the application (home, gamepage, authentification page, modification page)
- Started to gather informations about collection : (used to save the Units and the Cards of the game)
Kept filling SRS and started filling UML.
Week 6 (19-24 feb) Holidays
Filled SRS and UML.
Application development :
- Started the authentification system based on meteor accounts
Week 7 (26 feb- 04 mar)
Application development :
- Started CSS implementation + Screen rotation
- Timer implementation
- Number of teams and units selected linked dynamically with the game
Meeting with D. Donsez :
- Explained current advancement.
- Questions about technical difficulties (CSS with meteor, sendMail)
Week 8 (05-11 mar)
Application development :
- Creation of the cards and units collection
- Options implemented : add / modify / delete cards from the collection (linked with the units)