RICM4 2017 2018 - IGreenHouse

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Aquaponics farming combine aquaculture and hydroponics, the aim is to automate the greenhouse with sensors which will allow the farmer to monitor its proper functioning. It has been done in collaboration with IESE, who will program sensors, and us who has deployed a system which will manage reception, processing and display datas. Moreover, one purpose of this project was to manipulate LoRa communication technology To link LoRa and internet, a gateway is needed and It is shared with 2 others project so 8 people have worked on this part of the project and informations have been shared for the part beyond the gateway because our work was similar.


Week 1 - Jan 22

discovery of the technos (node-js, MQTT, InfluxDB, Docker, Node-RED, Grafana)

Week 2 - Jan 28

Aurélien : Docker

Thomas, Joffrey : ping pong between 2 LoRa, testing Arduino LoRa

Thomas : Test on cards

Joffrey : Installed and tested node-red

Unable to make Pico GW working on two personal computers running Linux (unable to perform com stress test : unable to connect to board)

Week 3 - Feb 5

Gateway is quite fonnctionning (done with 2 other groups)

Week 4 - Feb 12

Thomas : Link between influxDB and grafana

Joffrey : Link between MQTT output on user decide to influxDB (waiting for the protocole to do the function to transform data send into influxDB data)

source : https://www.rs-online.com/designspark/building-distributed-node-red-applications-with-mqtt / https://primalcortex.wordpress.com/2017/02/23/setting-up-a-grafana-dashboard-using-node-red-and-influxdb-part-1-installing/

Aurélien : Working with the other group on gateway->MQTT part

Week 5 - Feb 19

Done : The gateway switch datas with the first byte (ID of project) in node-red, Point to point LoRa, We can send a number who will be put in a database

Week 6 - Feb 26

Prototype finished for the JPO

Actually caracterisitics :

Datas sent are like this "017.0034.00" where 0=ID 17.00=temperature 34.00=humidity and put in two tables in influxDB, datas can be visualized in grafana

Week 7 - Mar 5

encodage of float, modify influxDB node to put datas in only one table, do the LoRa server

Week 8 - Mar 12

Study of LoRaWAN packet

Week 9 - Mar 19

Thomas is trying to replace Grafana to visualize datas on a webpage. Aurélien code LoRa WAN c++

Week 10 - Mar 26

Joffrey try to install, use and conigure a LoRa Server https://www.loraserver.io/lora-app-server/

Week 11 - Apr 2

Aurélien programmed LoRa car to running in LoraWAN and the LoRaWAN server. Thomas finished the webpage. Joffrey made the rapport and completed project's info on this website.

Ideas bucket