Infrastructure de communication interne au cubesat ATISE du CSUG
Projet INFO5 S10 2020-2021
Encadrant: Imane El-Khantouti (CSUG, UGA)
General context
The CSUG was launched in September 2015, with the aim to train students toat spatial study thanks to nanosatellite projects (less than 50kg satellite). The mMost of nanosatellites are based on the Cubesata standard named Cubesat. ATISE is one of the nanosatellite projects developed at CSUG. Its mission is to measured spectrums of polar auroras. The CSUG is responsible of the instrumental part of the satellite. The project is currently in Phase B (preliminary definition).
Implement the Cubesat Space Protocol (CSP) on SoC modules, running on FreeRTOS embedded inside the ARM coresthanks to an embedded FreeRTOS on ARM core. The CSP protocol willprotocol will be used to , in order to transfer data between the payload (instrument of the nanosatellite) and the platform (main computer of the nanosatellite, HF transmitter to the ground mission center).
The aim is to realize the transfer of data issued from the acquisition of several image sensorsdetectors on the ATISE nanosatellite to the platform computer, in order to transmit data to the ground mission center. The development will be is realized on the Enclustra MARS ZX3 SoC module (ARM processor and FPGA with added memory) mounted on the MARS EB1 development kit.
From the current FPGA design and C application program that manage data acquisition, the following points functions have to be implementedcarried out:
- Embed the XILINX version of FreeRTOS on the one of the ARM cores,
- Adapt the existing C program (basic BareMetal application) to FreeRTOS,
- Implement the CSP protocol on UART link.
- Enclustra MARS ZX3 x1
- STM32F4 or F7 (à récupérer au CSUG ou au Fablab)