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Line 617: Line 617:
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/get.influxdb.org/chronograf/chronograf_0.1.0_amd64.deb
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/get.influxdb.org/chronograf/chronograf_0.1.0_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i chronograf_0.1.0_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i chronograf_0.1.0_amd64.deb
sudo service chronograf start

Revision as of 10:25, 13 September 2015

InfluxDB WebUI

REMARQUE : cette page concerne la version 0.8 d'InfluxDB. De nombreux changements sont été opérés dans la version 0.9.



open-source distributed time series database with no external dependencies.

(metrics, events, and analytics)

developped in Go language

Voir https://speakerdeck.com/pauldix/introducing-influxdb-an-open-source-distributed-time-series-database

Demo sur http://play.influxdb.com/ (source code)

InfluxDB @ AIR



On Linux (Debian)

# for 64-bit systems
wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/influxdb/influxdb_latest_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i influxdb_latest_amd64.deb

# for 32-bit systems
wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/influxdb/influxdb_latest_i686.deb
sudo dpkg -i influxdb_latest_i686.deb


brew update
brew install influxdb


sudo /etc/init.d/influxdb start

Naviguez sur http://localhost:8083/ username : root & password : root

Pensez à changer ces valeurs dans /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf quand vous mettez influxdb en production

Premiers Pas

Via l'interface Web

Depuis l'interface web http://localhost:8083/, Créez une base : mydb

Depuis Database > Explore Data

Depuis write point, Ajoutez un point dans la série temporelle log_lines

{ "line":"here's some useful log info from paul@influx.com", "like":1, "star": 5 }

puis un autre

{ "line":"here's another useful log info from paul@influx.com", "like":2, "star": 4 }

puis un autre

{ "line":"here's some useful log info from didier@donsez.com", "like":1, "star": 5 }

Exécutez les requêtes suivantes depuis read point:

La liste des séries temporelles

list series
select * from /.*/ limit 1

Les points de la série log_lines

select line from log_lines
select like, star from log_lines

Les deux points les plus récents

select * from log_lines limit 2;

Les points de la série log_lines dont la colonne line contient paul@influx.com

select line from log_lines where line =~ /paul@influx.com/

Les points de la série log_lines dont la colonne like est supérieure à 1

select line from log_lines where like > 1

Les points de la série log_lines des 24 dernières heures

select * from log_lines
where time > now() - 24h

Agrégat temporel (les fonctions d'agrégat sont : count(), min(), max(), mean(), mode(), median(), distinct(), percentile(), histogram(), derivative(), sum(), stddev(), first(), last()).

select sum(like) as number_of_likes, mean(star) as mean_of_star from log_lines 
group by time(1m)
where time > now() - 1d
select star, sum(like) as number_of_likes from log_lines 
group by star, time(1m)
where time > now() - 1d

Remplissage des intervalles vides de points (avec fill())

select count(like) from events
group by time(1h) fill(0)
where time > now() - 24h

Fusion (merge) de séries

select count(type) from user_events merge admin_events group by time(10m)

Attention, cette requête n'est pas un produit cartésien (SQL)

select * from log_lines, log_cpu;

Jointure entre 2 séries

select errors_per_minute.value / page_views_per_minute.value as error_rate_per_minute.
from errors_per_minute
inner join page_views_per_minute

Création d'un Requêtes continues

select count(star) from log_lines group by time(10m), star 
into log_lines.count_per_star.10m
select * from log_lines.count_per_star.10m
drop continuous query <id>

Supprimez les points de toutes les séries temporelles dont la date est antérieure de 24 heures.

delete from /.*/ where time < now() - 24h
select * from /.*/ 

Suppression d'une série

drop series log_lines

Via l'interface REST

Execute a query (pretty=true --> the output is prettily formatted)

curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/db/mydb/series?u=root&p=root&pretty=true' --data-urlencode "q=select * from log_lines"

Write points (with timestamp and sequence numbers : the time_precision can be s, us, ms)

curl -X POST -d @points.json 'http://localhost:8086/db/mydb/series?u=root&p=root&time_precision=ms'


    "name": "log_lines",
    "columns": ["time", "sequence_number", "line"],
    "points": [
      [1400425947368, 1, "this line is first"],
      [1400425947368, 2, "and this is second"],
      [1400425948368, 3, "and this is third"]


create a database

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8086/db?u=root&p=root' -d '{"name": "site_development"}'

drop a database

curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:8086/db/site_development?u=root&p=root'

Autre : http://influxdb.com/docs/v0.8/api/administration.html

Dashboard avec Influga


Influga is a InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor.

Installez influga

sudo npm install influx
sudo npm install -g influga

Editez la configuration dans influga-config.json

  "dashboardDbPath": "./db/influga.db",
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 8086,
  "database": "mydb",
  "username": "root",
  "password": "root"

Lancez le service

influga start -c influga-config.json

Naviguez sur http://localhost:8089/ et configurez le panel avec

select star, like from log_lines

Dashboard avec Grafana


Téléchargez Grafana

Modifiez config.example.js avec

datasources: {
  'eu-metrics': {
    type: 'influxdb',
    url: 'http://localhost:8086/db/mydb',
    username: 'test',
    password: 'test',
  'grafana': {
    type: 'influxdb',
    url: 'http://localhost:8086/db/grafana',
    username: 'test',
    password: 'test',
    grafanaDB: true

et Sauvegardez dans config.js

Ouvrez index.html

Premières Requêtes



sudo npm install influx

Editez le programme testinflux.js

var influx = require('influx');

console.log("Connect to database");
var username = 'root';
var password = 'root';
var database = 'mydb';

var dbInflux = influx({host : 'localhost', username : username, password : password, database : database});

console.log("Create database");
dbInflux.createDatabase('mydb', function(err) {
  if(err) throw err;
  console.log('Database Created');

console.log("Write points");

var i=10;
while(i--) {
        dbInflux.writePoint('log_lines', { line: 'Yo', like: Math.random() * 10, star: Math.random() * 5 }, function(err) {
        if(err) throw err;


console.log("Query series");

var query = 'SELECT * FROM log_lines WHERE time > now() - 24h';
dbInflux.query(query, function(err, body) {
  if(err!=null) throw err;
  console.log(JSON.stringify(body[0].columns, null, '\t'));
  console.log(JSON.stringify(body[0].points, null, '\t'));

Lancez le programme

node testinflux.js

PubNub to InfluxDB

Créez un compte gratuit sur http://pubnub.com et renseignez les clés récues par mail (les clés demo & demo fonctionnent quand même)


sudo npm install influx
npm install pubnub

Lancez le programme node pubnub2influx.js dans un terminal

var influx = require('influx');

var pubnub = require("pubnub").init({
    publish_key: 'your publish key',
    subscribe_key: 'your subscribe key'

var pubnub = require("pubnub").init({
    publish_key: 'demo',
    subscribe_key: 'demo'

var channel  = 'test/influxdb';

var dbhost = 'localhost';
var database = 'mydb';
var username = 'root';
var password = 'root';
var timeSerie = 'pubnub_test_influxdb';

var dbInflux = influx({host : dbhost, username : username, password : password, database : database});

    channel  : channel,
    callback : function(message) {
        console.log( " > ", message );
        dbInflux.writePoint(timeSerie,message,function(err) {
            if(err) throw err;

console.log("PubNub to InfluxDB bridge is started");

Lancez le programme node pubnub-pub.js dans un autre terminal

var pubnub = require("pubnub").init({
    publish_key: 'your publish key',
    subscribe_key: 'your subscribe key'

var pubnub = require("pubnub").init({
    publish_key: 'demo',
    subscribe_key: 'demo'

var channel  = 'test/influxdb';

function publish() {
    var message= { line: 'Yo', like: Math.random() * 10, star: Math.random() * 5 };
        channel   : channel,
        message   : message,
        callback  : function(e) { console.log( "SUCCESS!", e ); },
        error     : function(e) { console.log( "FAILED! RETRY PUBLISH!", e ); }
    setTimeout(publish, 500);


console.log("PubNub publishing is started");

Naviguez dans la time serie pubnub_test_influxdb de la base mydb avec la requête

SELECT star FROM pubnub_test_influxdb

Node.js et MQTT

InfluxDB WebUI


sudo npm install influx
sudo npm install mqtt

Lancez le programme node mqtt2influx.js dans un terminal

var mqtt = require('mqtt')
var influx = require('influx');

var broker = 'test.mosquitto.org';
var port = 1883; 
var topic  = 'test/influxdb';

var dbhost = 'localhost';
var database = 'mydb';
var username = 'root';
var password = 'root';
var timeSerie = 'mqtt_test_influxdb';

var dbInflux = influx({host : dbhost, username : username, password : password, database : database});

client = mqtt.createClient(port, broker);

client.subscribe(topic).on('message', function (topic, message) {
    dbInflux.writePoint(timeSerie,JSON.parse(message),function(err) {
        if(err) throw err;

console.log("MQTT to InfluxDB bridge is started");

Lancez le programme node mqttpub.js dans un autre terminal

var mqtt = require('mqtt')

var broker = 'test.mosquitto.org';
var port = 1883; 
var topic  = 'test/influxdb';

client = mqtt.createClient(port, broker);


function publish() {
    var message= { line: 'Yo', like: Math.random() * 10, star: Math.random() * 5 };
    client.publish(topic, JSON.stringify(message));
    setTimeout(publish, 500);


console.log("MQTT publishing is started");

Naviguez dans la time serie mqtt_test_influxdb de la base mydb avec la requête

SELECT mean(star) as Mean_Star FROM mqtt_test_influxdb GROUP BY time(10s)

Apache Kafka to InfluxDB



STOMP to InfluxDB



Octoblu to InfluDB


npm install skynet
npm install request



git clone https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb-java.git
cd influxdb-java-master
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
# mvn clean install

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=org.influxdb -DartifactId=influxdb-example -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

See https://github.com/influxdb/influxdb-java/blob/master/src/test/java/org/influxdb/InfluxDBTest.java

String ip="localhost";

	this.influxDB = InfluxDBFactory.connect("http://" + ip + ":8086", "root", "root");
boolean influxDBstarted = false;
do {
Pong response;
try {
response = this.influxDB.ping();
if (response.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("ok")) {
influxDBstarted = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// NOOP intentional
} while (!influxDBstarted);

	String logs = CharStreams.toString(new InputStreamReader(containerLogsStream, Charsets.UTF_8));

	String dbName = "writeseriebuilder-unittest-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
int outer = 20;
List<Serie> series = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < outer; i++) {
Serie serie = new Serie.Builder("serieFromBuilder")
.columns("column1", "column2")
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 1)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 2)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 3)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 4)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 5)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 6)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 7)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 8)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 9)
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 10)
this.influxDB.write(dbName, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, series.toArray(new Serie[0]));

	Serie serie = new Serie.Builder("testSeries")
.columns("value1", "value2")
.values(System.currentTimeMillis(), 5)
this.influxDB.write(dbName, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, serie);
List<Serie> result = this.influxDB.query(dbName, "select value2 from testSeries", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);



The states of an item are persisted in time series with names equal to the name of the item. All values are stored in a field called "value" using integers or doubles, OnOffType and OpenClosedType values are stored using 0 or 1. The times for the entries are calculated by InfluxDB.



Chronograf is a single binary web application that you can deploy behind your firewall to do ad hoc exploration of your time series data in InfluxDB.


wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/get.influxdb.org/chronograf/chronograf_0.1.0_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i chronograf_0.1.0_amd64.deb

sudo service chronograf start