Difference between revisions of "RICM4 2017 2018 - Réseau Social LoRa"

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* Starting the outline
* Starting the outline
To do for next week
To do for next week
* Finishing the outline of the wed application''Semaine 04 :''<br>
* Finishing the outline<br>
==Week 4==
==Week 4==
Work done
* Starting handling ESP32-LoRa Prise en main des pods ESP32-LoRa.
* Installing Arduino and IDE on our computer, expecially handling macOS issues.
* Beginning on reflexion about tache handling/splitting
To do for next week
_Prise en main des pods ESP32-LoRa.<br>
_Installation de Arduino sur nos différentes machines pour commencer le développement dessus. En particulier gérer les différents setup pour Mac/Windows/Linux.<br>
_Début de répartition des tâches.<br>
==Week 5==
==Week 5==
Work done
_Le flashage du code sur les ESP semble fonctionner, la compréhension du fonctionnement des ESP a été fortement améliorée.<br>
* It seems that we have the ability to flash code on ESP32 cards.
_Installation des différents éléments nécéssaires à l’application mobile (Cordova / Ionic / Angular)<br>
* Installation of the required softwares and frameworks to developp the mobile app (cordova / angular / ionic)
* First setup for the application done
* Debugging and code modification on the ESP32 seems fine
To do for next week
* Git repo
* Mac handling arduino
* First rice for the pages of the application
_Début de l’application aka setup done<br>
_Finis les tests pour l’esp32 -> on sait flasher / coder / debugger<br>
'''TODO: Finir app & mise en place des répos git && Jian paramétrage du mac pour les LoRa & si temps maqueting des autres pages de l’application & serveur wifi opé.'''<br><br>
==Week 7==
==Week 7==
Work done
_ Point d’accès Wi-Fi via les pods fonctionnel. Squelette de l’application prêt. Ajouter la fonctionnalité de communication.<br>
* Wifi access point with ESP32 pods working
* Application general feeling is good. First try on communicating with the outside
To do for next week
* Add functionality to the pods
* Get information on the application web communication
'''TODO: Redesign app & coder les fonctionnalités sur les pods & communication entre les applis.'''<br><br>
==Week 9==
==Week 9==
Work done
_ AJAX pour l’application afin de communiquer et récupérer les informations<br>
* Ajax on web apps to get infos
_ Pods communiquent entre eux par radio<br>
* Pods communicate through radio
_ Réflexion sur le protocole à mettre en place entre les pods et l’application<br><br>
* Reflexion on protocol -> how to comunicate between pods and application
_ Setup d'une toolchain VSCode pour le dev arduino<br>
* Setup of a toolchain VSCode for arduino development
_ Mise en place des roads pour les appels web coté POD<br>
* Roads for web calls on the pods
_ Mise en place du gitlab en le basant sur le git existant<br>
* Gitlab redirection from our github
To do for next week
'''TODO: Debugger les roads sur les pods, mettre à jour le parser json sur les pods, mettre à jour les bibliothèques de pages web pour les pods.'''<br>
* Debug pods' roads
'''Interface à gérer du côté programmation de l'application.'''<br><br>
* Update json parser on the pods
==Week 10==
==Week 10==
Work done
_ Modification du design de l’application | AJAX fonctionnel<br>
* Redesign of the web application
_ Début de l’implémentation des différents paramètres que l’on devra récupérer depuis les pods sur l’application (API).<br>
* AJAX working on the application
_ Capable de : recevoir des infos depuis le pod.<br>
* Implementation of parameters handling on the pods
_ POD capable d'émettre et recevoir le LoRa simultanément<br>
* Able to receive information on the pods
* Pods handle radio emitting and receiving simultaneously
==Week 11==
==Week 11==
==Week 12==
==Week 12==
Work done
'''Prototype fonctionnel'''<br>
* Application prototype seems to work just fine
_ Revoir la construction des requêtes HTTP sur les pods<br>
* HTTP request on pod REDO
_ Revoir le calcul de total sur l'application<br>
* REDO the calculation on the application
To do for next week
* Update documentation
* 'total field' to ease calculation on the application
* Global clearing pods code
==Week 13==
Work done
* Parsing roads for the pods
* Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for http request -> allow several request
To do for next week
* Finish ACAO
==Week 14==
Work done
* Update docs
* Refactoring the standards for the communication between pods & outside
To do for next week
* Beginning of the implementation of the setup pages for the application overall
==Week 15==
Work done
* Clearing code of the application
* Final redo of the interfaces for the application
* Final redo of the radio for the pods
To do for next week
'''TODO : doc update !!! <br> REDO : servor api web (full and proper) -> pages services & parser & structures(meta value and result) + champ total pour lolo :D'''
* Oral presentation !
* Dropping the idea of the setup pages, not enough time

Latest revision as of 10:09, 9 April 2018





  • VEGREVILLE Thibault
  • ZHENG Jian

Supervisor :

  • RICHARD Olivier


Week 0

  • Projects' choice

Week 1

Work done

  • Reading the documentation.
  • Getting familiar with the technological constraints.

Week 2

Work done

  • Reading the documentation.
  • Getting familiar with the technological constraints.

Week 3

Work done

  • Creation of the Git deposit
  • Deciding to the general outline of our spa
  • Starting the outline

To do for next week

  • Finishing the outline

Week 4

Work done

  • Starting handling ESP32-LoRa Prise en main des pods ESP32-LoRa.
  • Installing Arduino and IDE on our computer, expecially handling macOS issues.
  • Beginning on reflexion about tache handling/splitting

To do for next week

Week 5

Work done

  • It seems that we have the ability to flash code on ESP32 cards.
  • Installation of the required softwares and frameworks to developp the mobile app (cordova / angular / ionic)
  • First setup for the application done
  • Debugging and code modification on the ESP32 seems fine

To do for next week

  • Git repo
  • Mac handling arduino
  • First rice for the pages of the application

Week 7

Work done

  • Wifi access point with ESP32 pods working
  • Application general feeling is good. First try on communicating with the outside

To do for next week

  • Add functionality to the pods
  • Get information on the application web communication

Week 9

Work done

  • Ajax on web apps to get infos
  • Pods communicate through radio
  • Reflexion on protocol -> how to comunicate between pods and application
  • Setup of a toolchain VSCode for arduino development
  • Roads for web calls on the pods
  • Gitlab redirection from our github

To do for next week

  • Debug pods' roads
  • Update json parser on the pods

Week 10

Work done

  • Redesign of the web application
  • AJAX working on the application
  • Implementation of parameters handling on the pods
  • Able to receive information on the pods
  • Pods handle radio emitting and receiving simultaneously

Week 11

Week 12

Work done

  • Application prototype seems to work just fine
  • HTTP request on pod REDO
  • REDO the calculation on the application

To do for next week

  • Update documentation
  • 'total field' to ease calculation on the application
  • Global clearing pods code

Week 13

Work done

  • Parsing roads for the pods
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for http request -> allow several request

To do for next week

  • Finish ACAO

Week 14

Work done

  • Update docs
  • Refactoring the standards for the communication between pods & outside

To do for next week

  • Beginning of the implementation of the setup pages for the application overall

Week 15

Work done

  • Clearing code of the application
  • Final redo of the interfaces for the application
  • Final redo of the radio for the pods

To do for next week

  • Oral presentation !
  • Dropping the idea of the setup pages, not enough time