Pax tools

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Utilitaires open source pour OSGi


Pax URL is a set of OSGi URL Handlers Service implementations (MVN, OBR, Wrap, War).

Pax Logging

The logging support in the standard Log Service of the OSGi specification is minimalistic and not entirely suitable for enterprise applications. This project tries to address this by extending the standard interface with additional interfaces and using a strong logging backend, the Apache Log4J. Pax Logging defines its own API, but more importantly it supports the Log4J and Jakarta Commons Logging APIs as well, making it easy to create bundles that use these common APIs, either directly in new code or indirectly from inside 3rd party libraries.

Pax Web

OSGi R4 Http Service and Web Applications (OSGi Enterprise Release chapter 128) implementation using Jetty 7.
Pax Web extends OSGi Http Service with better servlet support, filters, listeners, error pages and JSPs and some others in order to meet the latest versions of Servlet specs.
Pax Web facilitates an easy installation of WAR bundles as well as discovery of web elements published as OSGi services. All of this beside the, standard, programmatic registration as detailed in the HTTP Service specs.

Pax Exam

Painless OSGi Integration Testing