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About ROS install and to know how ROS is working please go on this page

Packages install

First of all, you need some packages to run graphique interface : You need to install "gevent-websocket" on your computeur. To do this use this command :

sudo pip install gevent-websocket

if u don't have « pip » go on this page and just follow the instructions

after that, you need to install "flask" :

sudo pip install flask

Don't forget to install this application in this folder : /home/fablab/ros_workspace Yes we know it's so bad but all student write the path directly in their files, so you don't have choice...

If you want to hear Robair spoke, you have to to run the sound so you need to install :

sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx ros-hydro-audio-common

If you download our files to us, you should have no problem. If this is not the case, you need to modify multiple files : On /home/fablab/ros_workspace/robair_demo/scripts/ add this follow instructions :

import roslib

if __name__ == '__main__':

   keyboard_node = KeyboardNode()
   rospy.loginfo("%s running..." % keyboard_node.node_name)
   os.system("rosrun sound_play &")
   rospy.loginfo("%s stopped." % keyboard_node.node_name)

On /home/fablab/ros_workspace/robair_demo/scripts/templates/navigation.html you have to change ALL path (because they written directly the path...). So adapt them to your project, for example :

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="../static/js/websockets1.js"></script>