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- 06:45, 23 March 2025 Machine Learning Patterns and Anti-Patterns (hist | edit) [67 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Refcard #158")
- 06:42, 23 March 2025 Agentic AI (hist | edit) [58 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 09:04, 14 March 2025 Projets 2025-2026 (hist | edit) [11,585 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<<Projets 2024-2025 | Projets | Projets 2026-2027>> =INFO= ==INFO3== ==INFO4== ===Projet Semestre S8=== Enseignants responsables : Olivier Richard * Dates : Lundi après-midi, Mardi après-midi * Lancement: Lundi xx Janvier 2026 après midi à '''14h15 salle PG 039''' * Soutenance à mi-parcours: '''Lundi 10 mars salle PG 037''' * Soutenance: '''Lundi xx avril salle Amphi 001''' * '''Evaluation à mi-parcours le lundi/mardi ???''': Format: 10min (5min d...")
- 17:25, 27 February 2025 Non-Human Identity Security in the Age of AI (hist | edit) [71 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 09:53, 21 February 2025 Langfuse (hist | edit) [148 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Open Source LLM Engineering Platform Traces, evals, prompt management and metrics to debug and improve your LLM application.")
- 12:40, 16 February 2025 JPO2026 (hist | edit) [3,558 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "# Polytech Grenoble :: Journée Portes Ouvertes (JPO) 2026")
- 05:57, 18 January 2025 Algorithmic Trading (hist | edit) [448 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 05:54, 18 January 2025 AlphaPy (hist | edit) [39 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 08:45, 16 January 2025 AT Protocol (hist | edit) [20 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 15:33, 13 January 2025 Zig (VT) (hist | edit) [8,820 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span id="synthèse-zig"></span> = Synthèse Zig = <span id="auteurs"></span> == Auteurs == Sammier Eliott - Prenom DOT Nom AT Avanturier Aurélie - Prenom DOT Nom AT <span id="résumé"></span> == Résumé == Zig est un langage de programmation système conçu pour être simple, performant et robuste. Inspiré du langage C et compatible avec celui-ci, il se positionne comme une alternative moderne qui privilégie...")
- 15:28, 13 January 2025 Introduction aux Agents Autonomes (hist | edit) [8,396 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Introduction aux Agents d'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) Autonomes == = Auteur = * Noah KOHRS, noah DOT kohrs AT etu DOT univ-grenoble-alpes DOT fr * Thibaut HABERER, thibaut DOT haberer AT etu DOT univ-grenoble-alpes DOT fr === Résumé === Les agents d'intelligence artificielle (IA) autonomes sont des programmes logiciels capables d'interagir avec leur environnement, de collecter des données et d'utiliser ces informations pour accomplir de manière autonome des...")
- 10:48, 13 January 2025 Ade Burn (hist | edit) [233 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Objectif= Refaire un ADE like avec le langage [ Rust] et le framework [ Egui]")
- 15:24, 6 January 2025 (Open Source) Software Supply Chain (VT) (hist | edit) [11,128 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''(Open Source) Software Supply Chain''' ''Lavigne Joseph (INFO5 à Polytech Grenoble) : prénom POINT nom AT''<br /> ''Benhamed Abdelhakim (INFO5 à Polytech Grenoble) : prénom POINT nom AT'' * '''Résumé (Français) :''' Dans ce rapport, vous trouverez l’explication des software supply chain utilisés par beaucoup de logiciels open-source. Le but de cette méthode est de programmer de manière sécurisée sa...")
- 15:21, 6 January 2025 MLOps (VT) (hist | edit) [6,746 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== MLflow : DevOps for Machine Learning Projects == == Auteurs == * Asmae El Kanbi, Polytech Grenoble, INFO 5A, 2024-2025 * Laure-Anne Bluteau, Polytech Grenoble, INFO 5A, 2024-2025 == Résumé == MLflow est une plateforme open source qui facilite la gestion du cycle de vie des projets de machine learning. Elle fournit des outils pour le suivi des expériences, le déploiement des modèles, et la gestion des environnements de travail, ce qui permet aux équipes de dat...")
- 12:23, 6 January 2025 FinOps (VT) (hist | edit) [5,323 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== FinOps == * Flechon Noé : prenom dot nom at * Tsiompanidis Anastasios :prenom dot nom at === Résumé === Le FinOps (Financial Operations) est une méthodologie visant à optimiser les dépenses cloud tout en favorisant la collaboration entre les équipes IT, métiers et financières. En trois phases (Informer, Optimiser, Opérer), il permet de mieux comprendre l'utilisation des ressources cloud, d'identifier les...")
- 21:27, 5 January 2025 Dashboard en technologie egui/rust pour plateforme HPC (hist | edit) [1,394 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Titre du projet: Dashboard en technologie egui/rust pour plateforme HPC Porteur et encadrant Olivier Richard, UGA Entreprise/laboratoire/organisme : LIG =Description du contexte= On souhaite proposer un dashboard pour le gestionnaire de tâche et de ressources OAR. On utilisera pour ce faire la bibliotheque Egui [2] écrite en Rust [3] qui une GUI en mode immédiat [4] =Objectif(s) du projet= * Document sur l'architecture de la solution ** Diagramme d'architecure...")
- 14:46, 3 January 2025 AI et Open Source (hist | edit) [162 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with " * *")
- 14:40, 3 January 2025 SLM versus LLM (hist | edit) [1,158 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Contrairement aux LLM, les SLM (Specialized Language Models ou Small Language Models) sont généralement entraînés sur des ensembles de données plus restreints, adaptés à des domaines industriels spécifiques (c’est-à-dire des domaines d’expertise). Par exemple, un prestataire de soins de santé pourrait utiliser un chatbot alimenté par un SLM formé sur des ensembles de données médicales pour intégrer des connaissances spécifiques au domaine dans une req...")
- 09:30, 25 December 2024 Perf Debugging (hist | edit) [39 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 09:16, 25 December 2024 Horloges logiques (hist | edit) [278 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with " According to [ Leslie Lamport] in 1978, the logical nature of time is of primary importance when designing or analyzing distributed systems.")
- 09:12, 25 December 2024 Consensus CFT (hist | edit) [1,113 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Consensus algorithms in distributed systems are protocols that enable multiple computers or nodes within a network to agree on a single data value or decision, ensuring consistency and reliability across the system despite potential failures or malicious behavior of some nodes. These algorithms are foundational for maintaining data integrity and synchrony, especially in environments where nodes operate independently and may experience different states or updates. https:...")
- 09:09, 25 December 2024 Détecteurs de fautes (hist | edit) [947 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 09:07, 25 December 2024 LangChain (hist | edit) [330 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "LangChain is an open-source framework that is available in Python and JavaScript. Developers and prompt engineering enthusiasts can leverage the framework to combine LLMs with other tools to build full-fledged LLM AI tools.")
- 09:00, 25 December 2024 Prompt engineering (hist | edit) [1,202 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Démonstration avec LangChain")
- 12:19, 21 December 2024 LLM AI Cybersecurity & Governance (hist | edit) [698 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) adoption is picking up pace. According to McKinsey, the rate of implementation has doubled compared to just ten months prior, with 65 percent of respondents saying their companies regularly use GenAI. The promise of disruptive impact to existing businesses — or delivering services into markets in new and more profitable ways — is driving much of this interest. Yet many adopters aren’t aware of the security risks at hand....")
- 16:20, 20 December 2024 Olfaction Devices & Systems (hist | edit) [1,329 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 07:36, 18 December 2024 Dropwizard (hist | edit) [427 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Dropwizard pulls together stable, mature libraries from the Java ecosystem into a simple, light-weight package that lets you focus on getting things done. Dropwizard has out-of-the-box support for sophisticated configuration, application metrics, logging, operational tools, and much more, allowing you and your team to ship a production-quality web service in the shortest time possible.")
- 20:11, 17 December 2024 Outil de veille technologique propulsé par IA et web scraping (hist | edit) [5,108 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Outil de veille technologique propulsé par IA et web scraping ==Importance de la veille technologique pour une ESN== Dans un secteur où les technologies évoluent rapidement, la veille technologique est essentielle pour toute Entreprise de Services du Numérique (ESN). Elle permet de : * Maintenir la compétitivité en identifiant les innovations à forte valeur ajoutée. * Anticiper les besoins des clients en proposant des solutions adaptées aux nouvelles tendance...")
- 15:27, 17 December 2024 Peer Reviews in Health – Évaluation par les Pairs en Santé (hist | edit) [10,298 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Polytech Grenoble INFO5 - Proposition Projet S10 2024-2025 Titre du projet : Peer Reviews in Health – Évaluation par les Pairs en Santé ==Porteurs et encadrants (Prénom, Nom, Institution, Adresse email)== * Dr Pierre GILLOIS, MCU-PH, Laboratoire TIMC, Faculté de médecine * Pr Nicolas VUILLERME, Laboratoire AEGIS, Faculté de médecine ==Entreprise/laboratoire/organisme (nom, adresse)== Laboratoire de la faculté de médecine de Grenoble ==Description du conte...")
- 15:25, 17 December 2024 Learning Analytics Appliqué (Suite) (hist | edit) [8,252 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Polytech Grenoble INFO5 - Proposition Projet S10 2024-2025 ==Porteurs et encadrants== * Dr Pierre GILLOIS, MCU-PH, Laboratoire TIMC, Faculté de médecine * Pr Nicolas VUILLERME, Laboratoire AEGIS, Faculté de médecine ==Entreprise/laboratoire/organisme (nom, adresse)== Laboratoire de la faculté de médecine de Grenoble ==Description du contexte (10 lignes minimun)== L’apprentissage des connaissances et des compétences est l’un de socle de l’éducation. Cet a...")
- 10:13, 17 December 2024 Disaster Networking with LoRa (hist | edit) [2,802 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Après le passage du cyclone Chido sur Mayotte, les 51 antennes sur 54 du réseau mobile ont été rendues hors service, notamment faute de courant, privant ainsi les autorités et la population de communiquer pour organiser les secours. Les [ Disaster Networks] (ou réseaux de communication en cas de catastrophe) sont des infrastructures ou systèmes de communication conçus pour assurer la connectivité et...") originally created as "Disater Networking with LoRa"
- 09:55, 17 December 2024 Disater Networks (hist | edit) [279 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Les Disaster Networks sont des systèmes robustes, autonomes et flexibles qui garantissent des communications vitales en cas de catastrophes, permettant de sauver des vies et de coordonner les interventions d’urgence. Démo avec des endpoints LoRa et le protocole ClusterDuck.")
- 16:58, 16 December 2024 Vector Databases (hist | edit) [398 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A vector database, vector store or vector search engine is a database that can store vectors (fixed-length lists of numbers) along with other data items. Vector databases typically implement one or more Approximate Nearest Neighbor algorithms, so that one can search the database with a query vector to retrieve the closest matching database records.")
- 16:55, 16 December 2024 ClickHouse (hist | edit) [41 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "")
- 16:55, 16 December 2024 VT2025 (hist | edit) [4,828 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<< Etudes 2024 Sommaire Etudes 2026 >> =Veille Technologique et Stratégique= * Enseignants: Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Didier Donsez * UE/Module: EAM (HPRJ9R6B) et EAR (HPRJ9R4B) en INFO5 L'objectif de cette UE est de réaliser un travail de synthèse et d’évaluation sur une technologie / spécification / tendance Dans votre futur vie d'ingénieur, vous aurez à d'une part, vous former par vous-même su...")
- 15:29, 16 December 2024 UFS-SOSP2021 (hist | edit) [1,647 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Scale and Performance in a Filesystem Semi-Microkernel (SOSP'21) ==Abstract== We present uFS, a user-level filesystem semi-microkernel. uFS takes advantage of a high-performance storage development kit to realize a fully-functional, crash-consistent, highly-scalable filesystem, with relative developer ease. uFS delivers scalable high...")
- 08:02, 16 December 2024 GNU Taler (hist | edit) [11,028 bytes] Donsez (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Fiche de synthèse VTS INFO5 2024--2025: GNU Taler = == Auteurs == * ROSANO Romain - INFO5 ; * CHERBLANC Noah - INFO5 ; == Résumé == === Français === ==== Résumé ==== GNU Taler est un système de paiement web libre et open-source, comparable à PayPal, porté par l'équipe GNU. L'idée du projet a émergé en 2014 et a pour but d'effectuer des transactions en ligne de manière sécurisée par ses utilisateurs. Chaque transaction utilise des jetons cryptogra...")
- 20:51, 15 December 2024 Test d'infrastructures avec NixOS 2025 (hist | edit) [2,884 bytes] Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Titre du projet: Test d'infrastructures avec NixOS Porteurs et encadrants Olivier Richard, UGA Entreprise/laboratoire/organisme : LIG =Description du contexte= Pour ce projet il s'agira de développer un certain nombre de démonstrateurs de composition d'infrastructure. On entend par là, la production d’ensemble de piles logicielles complètes pour chaque machine pouvant fournir un ou plusieurs services (exemple serveur web et base de données) ou disposants de l...")