DashBoard-SRS: Difference between revisions

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==Add resource==
==Add resource==
'''Description :''' Adding a resource to the cluster if all input are good
'''Description :''' Adding a resource to the cluster if all input are good

'''Input :''' Hostname, CPU id, CORE id, MEM, besteffort
'''Input :''' Hostname, CPU id, CORE id, MEM, besteffort

'''Output :''' Return a message to the client if the resource is created or not
'''Output :''' Return a message to the client if the resource is created or not

Revision as of 14:41, 6 April 2016

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the requirements document

The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document describing the software system of our project: DashBoard for OAR. It describes how the system is supposed to work with functional and non functional requirements.

1.2 Scope of the product

Our product is intended for a client, using OAR as manager of resources and tasks

1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Cluster : It is a grouping of multiple servers to perform calculations.
  • SPA : Single Page Application

2. General description

2.1 Product perspective

A dashboard web application for the task manager and resource OAR.

2.2 Product functions

  • Add/Remove resources
  • Submit/Delete jobs
  • See information about resources and tasks
  • Login/Logout

2.3 User characteristics

Client using OAR as manager of resources and tasks

2.4 General constraints

  • AngularJS
  • SB Admin v2.0
  • Approach of a SPA

Add resource

Description : Adding a resource to the cluster if all input are good

Input : Hostname, CPU id, CORE id, MEM, besteffort

Output : Return a message to the client if the resource is created or not

Remove resource

Description : Delete a resource to the cluster Output : Return a message to the client if the resource is deleted or not

Submit job

Description : Submitting a job if the 2 inputs are good Input : Resource, Program to run (Name, Type, Reservations, ...) Output : Return a message to the client if the job is submitted or not

Delete job

Description : Deleting a job if the 2 inputs are good Output : Return a message to the client if the job is submitted or not

See Resources

Description : Describe all the resources Output : Table of all resources

See Jobs

Description : Describe all the jobs Output : Panel of all jobs


Description : Connect the client Input : Username, Password


Description : Disconnect the client

4. Product evolution

  • Add more fonctions
  • Add graphics to have a better view of the cluster's use