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Project SmartCitizen 2014
- Tutors : Didier Donsez, Vivien Quema, Jérome Maisonnasse, Amr Alfayi
- Members : Paul Labat, Rodolphe Fréby
- Departement : RICM 4, Polytech Grenoble
Project SmartCitizen 2014
Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
Project objectives
Week 1 : January 13th - Janurary 17th
- Project discovery
- Finding some ideas
- Research on MQTT
- SmartCitizen Website
Week 2 : January 20th - Janurary 24th
- Installation of Node-red
- Getting started with mongodb
- Getting started with mosquitto in python
Week 3 : January 27th - January 31th
- Update Intel Galileo
- Switch to Arduino Leonardo
- Arduino code for MQ4 sensor and Microphone Sound Detection Sensor Module for Arduino
- Python code with MQTT to gather data from the MQ4 sensor, the sound detector and the geiger counter in order to send them to a server with MQTT
Week 4 : February 3rd - February 7th
- Code arduino for the ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN / Network Module
- Add a python script to the MQTT-panel in order to generate the index.html webpage from a JSON file. This file contains all the MQTT sensors that have to be displayed on the webpage.
Week 5 : February 10th - February 14th
- Started to look at the leafletjs library in order to make the website from OpenStreetMap
- Started to send data from the arduino to a MongoDB database. We get some issues with the types of data sent (string but we wanted float)
Week 6 : February 17th - February 21th
- Beginning of query to the database in PHP
- Research about mongoDB storage with node-red
Week 7 : February 24th - February 28th
- First attempt to use the leaflet library with NodeJs and to display the position of sensors and the data they gather.
- Research about mongoose (mongodb object modeling for node.js) in order to store data gathered by sensors into a mongodb database.
- We wonder whether to store data via node-red or node.js
Related documents
- Github repository : SmartCitizen
- Node-RED
- Leaflet.js
- Arduino
- Node.js
- [Mongoose]