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The document provides a template of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS). It is inspired of the IEEE/ANSI 830-1998 Standard.

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Document History
Version Date Authors Description Validator Validation Date

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the requirements document

1.2 Scope of the product

1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations

1.4 References

1.5 Overview of the remainder of the document

2. General description

2.1 Product perspective

2.2 Product functions

2.3 User characteristics

2.4 General constraints

2.5 Assumptions and dependencies

3.Specific requirements, covering functional, non-functional and interface requirements

  • document external interfaces,
  • describe system functionality and performance
  • specify logical database requirements,
  • design constraints,
  • emergent system properties and quality characteristics.

Functional, non-functional and interface requirements

Function: - Create a map of the current environment - Locate the robot with accuracy - Allow automatic and semi-automatic movements in regards of the environment (obstacles, stairs, dogs, etc...)


  • The map is dynamically established thanks to both tablet and camera sensors.
  • Using the accelerometers, gyroscope and compass, RobAIR is able to locate himself with accuracy. This way, it can avoid obstacles.


  • Robot state messages.
  • Data about the current location, the environment, the speed, orientation, etc


  • Robot sensors
  • Tablet sensors
  • State and problems given by the robot


  • Map with current location of the robot
  • Instructions and state changing orders


  • RobAIR in order to operate itself
  • The remote controller
  • The tablet monitor


  • The user must be able to control the robot displacements.
  • The tablet interface shall access to external data.
  • The robot must move in its environment without troubles ( avoiding obstacles )
  • The map must be really accurate in order to give a good overview of the position of RobAIR

  • Graphical Notations : UML Sequence w/o collaboration diagrams, Process maps, Task Analysis (HTA, CTT)
  • Mathematical Notations
  • Tabular notations for several (condition --> action) tuples

Non functional requirements:

The robot navigate in a safe area without dangers like:

  • Cars circulation,
  • Constructions,
  • Young children or dogs.


  • Last version of RobAIR
  • A tablet with required sensors and ROS environment
  • A LDAP camera sensor


  • RobAIR is controlled by the remote user using Skype (more information here)


4. Product evolution

5. Appendices

5.1. SRS structure

The document is based on template of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) inspired of the IEEE/ANSI 830-1998 Standard.


6. Index