SmartGrid Marketplace

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Revision as of 21:30, 2 February 2011 by Donsez (talk | contribs)
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  • UE/Module: RICOM en RICM5 option SR
  • Enseignant: Didier Donsez
  • Elèves :
    • Xavier Hess (chef d'équipe)
    • Hugo Cordier
    • Marc Ferradou
    • Ludrig Mol
    • Clément Morel


What is the SmartGrid ?

The goal of the project is to develop a Electricity marketplace.


  • Electricity producers and consumers, storage
    • Electric cars, HVAC, Home Appliances
    • Nuclear plants, solar panel, wind turbine …
    • Pumped-storage hydroelectricity, car ...
  • Auction marketplace (eBay)
  • Consumption forecasting
    • SmartGrid friendly electric cars, washing machines, heaters ...
    • Android app
  • Production forecasting
    • weather web services
    • local weather station for solar and wind, temperature (HVAC)
  • Instant Consumption publishing
    • CO2 production calculator
    • Smart metering (plogg)
      • IoT integration (for power consumption measurement)
        • 6LoWPAN / Zigbee sensors (ZigBee Smart Energy 2.0 profile)
  • Home Ecological Network



  • 1 station météo USB
  • 2 FIO
  • 1 FTDI basic 3.3V
  • 1 XBee USB Explorer
  • 2 kit RZRAven
  • 3 Modules XBee Pro
  • 1 Programmeur STK500 Olimex
  • 2 pinces ampérometriques
  • 1 coupleur opto
  • 1 MSP430 Launchpad
  • ?? breadboards
  • 1 Bus Pirate with hooks

