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Document History
Version Date Authors Description Validator Validation Date
0.0.1 16/01/2017 Alicia A. Gilles B. First version // //
Editions à vérifier
Partie Détail
2.4 Création de la partie

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of the requirements document

This document aims to define the different features of the project through functional and non functional requirements. In the end we should have a platform to lend objects by controlling smart lockers.

It is our contract as it defines what is required for us, developpers, to deliver.

1.2 Scope of the product

The previous years projects' idea is to provide a controlable exchange box to lend little material like a hammer or a book between students.

This year's aim is to find a way to turn it into a deployable app.

The survey we launched showed that most of the students where interested in sharing objects with a friend but not with a random individual. Many people where afraid about the security of this system. So, our challenge will be to find a method to protect the user's objects and to penalize those who aren't respecting deadlines or not returning objects they borrowed.

Some users may also want to reserve a special item present in a box. For that a research function will be implemented.

A principle of exchange items, like a public library, for example.

1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations

1.4 References

We are using last years' projects bases, there is some documentation about the technologies used.

  • aREST a Restfull framework to control Arduino.
  • A ESP8266 Documentation for Arduino, a WIFI chip used to transit informations between the lockers and the smartphone.

1.5 Overview of the remainder of the document

In the following parts are described the general functions of our app : what is will do and which importance each feature has. Then we will go throught some more specific constraints and requirements the app should meet. Finally, we will describe the possible evolution of our app and how we would like to make or see it evolve.

2. General description

2.1 Product perspective

We are aiming to produce a renting / lending service in small groups. An administrator should be able to oversee the exchanges and to rule them. The main idea is to drop off an item in a locker, and to let it available for somebody else. In the long term, it would be possible to implement this kind of technology in post offices.

2.2 Product functions

The app should allow users to :

  • Create an account
  • Log in / Log out
  • Leave an object
  • Pick up an object (of your own)
  • Borrow an object
  • Bring back an object you borrowed
  • Check available objects

The app may allow users to :

  • Delete account
  • Leave an object for a specific user only (also search for a user)
  • Give a rating to a user
  • Give a limit of time for borrowing (eg. max 1 week or penalties will apply)

The app should allow admins to :

  • Open any locker
  • Know the content of every locker
  • Restrict users / Modify their access

2.3 User characteristics

Users of our app will be students and administrators.

  • Students will be the main users. They will be ones who posess or have access to an Android smartphone, with an internet connection. The app could also be used by another public, but we are focusing on students.
  • Administrators will be users that are allowed to check the content of every locker and have control over every user profile. They will be the ones trating users requests.

2.4 General constraints

This project includes some constraints from the previous years and technologies already in place, but also due to the choices concerning the implementation of the product :

  • Use the physical support already in place
  • Design an adaptable database model
  • Create an accessible web and mobile application
  • The lockers access will be possible via a mobile authentication
  • Implement a safety system to "secure" the loan of objects

2.5 Assumptions and dependencies

In this project, we assume that all electronics is functional (and taken from previous year's projects) and that we only have to code the dialogue between the webapp and the arduino chip.

3.Specific requirements, covering functional, non-functional and interface requirements

  • document external interfaces,
  • describe system functionality and performance
  • specify logical database requirements,
  • design constraints,
  • emergent system properties and quality characteristics.

3.1 Requirement 1 | Connected Lockers

Description: Make the lockers communicate with the database

Inputs: An order registered by a QRCode

Source: A camera fixed on the locker

Outputs: The result of this order, depending on the input (basicly openning a locker)

Destination: ???


  • Present a QRCode to the camera
  • The locker connects to the database
  • Depending on the QRCode, opens the locker (or not) and wait for an action from the user

Non functional requirements: The QRCode exists in the database and is not already used

3.2 Requirement 2 | Web-App : drop-off

Description: A way to drop-off an object in a locker


  • Empty locker
  • Object
  • Description
  • [Optional] : authorized user or group of users

Source: ???


  • Database updated
  • [Optional] : Notification to concerned users

Destination: Database



Non functional requirements:


  • User has an account and is logged



3.3 Requirement 3 | Web-app : Take-off







  • Natural language sentences (with MUST, MAY, SHALL)
  • Graphical Notations : UML Sequence w/o collaboration diagrams, Process maps, Task Analysis (HTA, CTT)
  • Mathematical Notations
  • Tabular notations for several (condition --> action) tuples

Non functional requirements:




3.1 Requirement X.Y.Z (in Structured Natural Language)








  • Natural language sentences (with MUST, MAY, SHALL)
  • Graphical Notations : UML Sequence w/o collaboration diagrams, Process maps, Task Analysis (HTA, CTT)
  • Mathematical Notations
  • Tabular notations for several (condition --> action) tuples

Non functional requirements:




3.X Requirement X.Y.Z (in Structured Natural Language)








  • Natural language sentences (with MUST, MAY, SHALL)
  • Graphical Notations : UML Sequence w/o collaboration diagrams, Process maps, Task Analysis (HTA, CTT)
  • Mathematical Notations
  • Tabular notations for several (condition --> action) tuples

Non functional requirements:




4. Product evolution

This app and system could evolve depending on hardware evolution, customer evolution or added features.

New system for the lockers

The lockers we got from previous years projects are connected through Wi-Fi, this can be a security flaw. Therefore, the product could evolve if instead of using a wireless network those lockers were to be connected using cables and other system. It would mean : changing the ahrware but also changing the app and code because it will be built on APIs different fromt he one this project uses.

New lockers with the same system

At the moment, we plan on managing only one set of locker, but if lockers were to be placed in different places, the app will have to have a feature allowing administrators to registers new lockers.

Deployment for a company

A possibility would be to deploy it into stores or a postoffice where the connected lockers will be used so that people can come pick up their mail and packages even when the office is closed.

Exchanging and/or selling items

This system could also be used as a platform of exchange rather than just lending, or even used to sell objects if money is added into the system. In order to do that new features will have to be implemented and a system of money or value in points corresponding to items will have to be created.

5. Appendices

You can find the UML diagrams attached to this project here

6. Index