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''Crowdsourced Environmental Monitoring''
Monitoring citoyen de la qualité de l'environnement (air, bruit, radioactivité …)
Monitoring citoyen de la qualité de l'environnement (air, bruit, …)
* Capteur (wifi) http://smartcitizen.me/
* Application mobile
** http://www.technologyreview.com/view/520606/noise-pollution-maps-crowdsourced-from-smartphone-data/
** http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/energy/nuclear/measuring-radiation-in-fukushima-with-pocket-geigers-and-bgeigies
* Ruches intelligentes
** http://www.numerama.com/magazine/27499-des-ruches-intelligentes-open-source-pour-sauver-les-abeilles.html
** http://www.opensourcebeehives.net
* [[Watchdogs We Are Data]]
* http://smartercities.tumblr.com
==Sensors for a DIY SmartCitizen Sensor Node==
Crowdsourced Environmental Monitoring
* [[Arduino]]
* [[STM32VL-Discovery#STM32F4-DISCOVERY|STM32F4]]
* [[Microphone Sound Detection Sensor Module for Arduino]]
* [[Gas Sensors]]
* [[Geiger counter]]
==Related Projects==
* [[IDS]]
* [[SDH]]
* [[Smart City]]
* [[SmartCampus2014]]

Latest revision as of 06:22, 22 May 2014